You & Flo Signature

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What place is this

我们是一家 宠物友善咖啡馆 Pet Friendly Cafe
可以携带自家宠物一起享用美食 甜品以及咖啡

当然 ~ 咱们的柯基小店长 Youka也会在店里招待
如果有特地过来店里想要看Youka的 看不到的话
有时候他真的太累了 在睡觉
携带自家宠物 狗狗/猫咪都可以

*由于店里空间 大型犬和巨型犬 可能有限制


*Due to the space in the cafe, large dogs and giant dogs may be limited.
You can ask us through Inbox information.

携带自家宠物的小主人们 需要注意
Please note the following points for pet owners

-请为自家宠物穿上尿布 (公狗母狗都需要)
-如果没有尿布/狗狗不太想要穿 建议采用宠物推车
-店里 不开放给狗狗自由走动在地上
- Please put diapers on your pet (both male and female)
- If there is no diaper/the dog does not want to wear it is recommended to use a pet stroller
- The cafe is not open for dogs to roam freely on the ground
- Be sure to carry a pet leash

Where is this place

  • Monday: 3:00PM - 10:00PM
  • Tuesday: Closed
  • Wednesday: 3:00PM - 10:00PM
  • Thursday: 3:00PM - 10:00PM
  • Friday: 3:00PM - 10:00PM
  • Saturday: 3:00PM - 10:00PM
  • Sunday: 3:00PM - 10:00PM

You & Flo Signature, 8, Persiaran Austin Heights, Taman Mount Austin 81100 Johor Bahru Johor, Malaysia

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